44-25 May 2012 : Carbon Dioxide Budget in the Mediterranean Basin: processes and tendencies (Carbonbudget BCN).
The Symposium about Carbon budget in the Mediterranean basin will take place in the North Campus of the BarcelonaTech University (UPC) in Barcelona on the 24th and 25th of May 2012.
More information available at: http://carbonbudget.upc.es |
24-26 October 2011: FLUXPYR presented at the GEOCARBON Conference - Carbon in a Changing World, FAO Headquarters, Roma . Link: http://dwms.fao.org/geo-carbon |
25 September 2011: FLUXPYR at the MRI, GMBA, IGF-ÖAW workshop: Global Change Research in Mountain Regions - A workshop preceding the EEF Congress in Ávila.
Event organized by the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA), and the Institute for Mountain Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences (IGF-ÖAW). Link: http://mri.scnatweb.ch |
26-29 September 2011: FLUXPYR at the 12 th EEF Congress, Ávila: "Responding to Rapid Environmental Change". Co-organized by the European Ecological Federation (EEF), The Spanish Association for Terrestrial Ecology (AEET) and the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO). Link: http://www.eefcongress2011.eu |
16 March 2011: FLUXPYR will be presented during the Week of Geomatics.
Venue: Montjuïc Exhibition Centre Hall 6 (Fira Barcelona), Barcelona, Spain. Please see: http://www.firabcn.es/location/montjuic.do , for more details on the venue.
Time of the presentation: 15h - 18h
The International Geomatic Week is organized by the Geomatics Institute and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia with the collaboration of Fira de Barcelona. Those wishing to attend the sessions should register by filling out the form published on the Globalgeo website: www.globalgeobcn.com |
27 th April 2010, Foix, France: Oral presentation given by students from the Licence professionnelle «Gestion et Animation des Espaces Montagnards et Pastoraux» - Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, for FLUXPYR. Title: Climate change in the Pyrenees: protocole for the inventory of the actors involved. |
21-23 April 2010: Seminar given for the Eddy Covariance Workshop, Lannemezan organized by CESBIO and LA. |