May 2012: We are happy to announce that the registration for the FLUXPYR-OPCC meeting (5-8 June, Barcelona) "Climate change in the Pyrenees: vulnerability, mitigation and adaptation" (5-8 June, Barcelona) is now open. You can register and send your contributions at www.fluxpyr.eu (home page).
See you soon in Barcelona! |

July 2011: The third FLUXPYR micrometeorological station in the Spanish Pyrenees is now operational. It is located in a mountain grassland, 2.7 km North-East of Castellar de n'Hug, at 1900 m asl. It is equipped with a Li 7200 gas analyzer and a CSAT3 anemometer (amongst other instruments). |

22 April 2011: Students from the GAEMP Licence presented their FLUXPYR-related project at the University of Foix: a directory of the actors concerned by climate change in Pyrénées Atlantiques
Thomas BIARNEIX, Espérance GARCIA, Enora GUEGUEN and Florian HUTEAU, students from the GAEMP Licence, « gestion - animation des espaces montagnards et pastoraux » (Université Toulouse Mirail), presented their FLUXPYR-related project at the University of Foix, assessed by Laurent Lelli (supervisor), Eric Ceschia, Philippe Sahuc and Fabrice Gouriveau.
Project Title: Creation of a directory of the actors concerned by climate change in the French Department of Pyrénées Atlantiques. |

15 March 2011: Field trip with our colleagues from the IC3 to the newly installed FLUXPYR micrometeorological station at La Bertolina
Josep Anton Morguí and Roger Curcoll from the Institut Català de Ciències del Clima (IC3) visited us to have a look at the newly installed eddy covariance station at La Bertolina (1280 m a.s.l.). They will help with the regular calibration of the sensors used to measure CO 2 and water vapour concentration. |
March 2011: The second FLUXPYR micrometeorological station in Catalonia is now operational!
The second FLUXPYR micrometeorological station in Catalonia has been set up this week within an improved grassland at " La Bertolina ", at 1290 m asl. It is now operational and collects continuous data: air CO 2 and water vapor concentration, air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction, soil temperature and water content, solar radiation, etc. It will allow the calculation of carbon, water and energy fluxes between the soil and the atmosphere. |
16 March 2011: FLUXPYR will be presented during the Week of Geomatics.
Venue: Montjuïc Exhibition Centre Hall 6 (Fira Barcelona), Barcelona, Spain. Please see: http://www.firabcn.es/location/montjuic.do , for more details on the venue.
Time of the presentation: 15h - 18h
The International Geomatic Week is organized by the Geomatics Institute and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia with the collaboration of Fira de Barcelona. Those wishing to attend the sessions should register by filling out the form published on the Globalgeo website: www.globalgeobcn.com |
28 October 2010: FLUXPYR Stand at the CTP Plenary Meeting, Bagnères de Luchon, France. |
26 August 2010, 12 a.m. - Inauguration of the first FLUXPYR micrometeorological station on the Spanish side of the Pyrenees.
Venue: Pla de Riart, about 10 km north of Solsona (Province of Lerida, Spain), Road LV-4201. Time: 12 a.m.
Refreshments and a light picnic will be provided by the CTFC.
If you wish to attend this event, please confirm your participation to Fabrice Gouriveau as soon as possible.
Program in Catalan |
July 2010 - The installation of the FLUXPYR micrometeorological mast at the Pla de Riart (Close to Solsona, Catalonia) is finally complete!
Many thanks to Andreu and Jonathan for their hard work!
. and a very special thought to Pierre, who sadly left us a week ago, and would surely have enjoyed seeing this nice peace of work. |
June 2010: launch of the FLUXPYR website. |
27th April 2010, Foix, France: Presentation given by students from the Licence professionnelle «Gestion et Animation des Espaces Montagnards et Pastoraux» - University of Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, for FLUXPYR. Title: Climate change in the Pyrenees: Protocol for the inventory of the actors involved. |
21-23 April 2010: Eddy Covariance Workshop, Lannemezan organized by CESBIO and LA. Three-day training course on the use of meteorological and eddy covariance techniques, data analysis and interpretation. |