PhD student

Address at the CTFC:
Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Global Change (ECOFUN)
Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC)
Carretera de Sant Llorenç de Morunys, km 2
25280 Solsona, Spain
Phone: (+34) 973 48 17 52
José Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba is a PhD stundent at the Advanced Agronomical Engineering School of the University of Lleida since August 2019. Currently studying dinamics and multifunctionality in grasslands from the North-East Pyrenees. After completing the degree of Biology in the University of Granada in 2015 he was involved with the Vegetal Protection Department in the EEZ-CSIC in Granada while doing the Master in Advances in Agricultural Biology and Acuiculture. His main quest was understanding how different actions toward the landscape could affect conservation biological control. José Manjón’s research involves plant-soil interactions, the so called “Fairy Rings”, ecosystem services in grasslands and how diversity affects them and the effect of different managements in grasslands services.
Selected Communications
Francisca Alba Sánchez; José Manjón-Cabeza Córdoba; Domingo Alcaraz Segura; Silvia Sabariego Ruiz; José Antonio López Sáez, 2015, Modelling the holocene expansion of Fagus sylvatica and Abies alba and 8.2 event using the European Pollen Database, MEDPALYNO, Rome (Italy), Università di Roma.