CAPACITI (2011-2013): Carbon dynamics in Pyrenean grasslands: a first-time assessment with ecosystem fluxes, Isotopic marking, and plant guilds

Investigador principal: Nuria Altimir (CTFC).

The objectives of this project are:

– To analyse the dynamics of the annual net ecosystem CO2 exchange and determine its main controlling factors at such previously unmeasured sites. In addition, to determine whether the seasonal distribution of plant functional types can be detected in the short-term ecosystem exchange and what role it plays.

– To determine the variation in plant-soil system processes along the growing season and between plant guilds. In particular, to determine the general variation of key processes and whether different temporal patterns arise between different guilds.

– In general, to explore whether the link between ecosystem-scale fluxes and vegetation is better explained by taking into account the dynamics and properties of the different plant guilds.

Field sites: mountain grasslands at la Bertolina (1300 m asl), Castellar de n’Hug (1900 m asl) and Alinyà.