R+D Technician

Address at the CTFC:
Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Global Change (ECOFUN)
Forest Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC)
Carretera de Sant Llorenç de Morunys, km 2
25280 Solsona, Spain
Linkedin: Aleix Ferrer
Graduated in Biology at the University of Barcelona, with a special interest in the fields of ecology, biodiversity, and global change. I have been involved in various projects, including the PRIMA project SUSFORAGE, which focuses on sown forage mixtures for sustainable agroecosystems in the Mediterranean area (2021-2024), as well as IBERALP, a study examining the vulnerability of biodiversity and climate services in Iberian alpine communities of mountain National Parks (2021-2024), or LegacyNet: a global network of experiments (2020 – 2022), among others.
For my bachelor’s thesis, I conducted research on the movement ecology and habitat utilization of Bos taurus using tracking data (GPS-GSM) at CEAB-CSIC. Currently, I am pursuing a Master’s degree in Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, with a thesis focused on studying the distribution and habitat utilization patterns of Ichthyaetus audouinii at ICM-CSIC.