Early stage researcher
My research interests lie mainly in studying functional diversity and greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, N2O) fluxes in grassland ecosystems under global change. I am particularly interested in the soil-plant interactions and their feedback on the atmosphere. I am also interested in investigating plant functional traits and their contribution to ecosystem stability and functioning. I have worked in grassland, forest and agricultural ecosystems.
Selected publications
Debouk, H., Emeterio, L.S., Marí, T., Canals, R.M., Sebastià, M.T., 2020. Plant functional diversity, climate and grazer type regulate soil activity in natural grasslands. Agronomy 10, 1291, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10091291
Debouk, H., Llurba, R., Altimir, N., Ribas, A., Sebastià M-T. (2019). Effects of plant functional types on greenhouse gas fluxes in grasslands along a climatic gradient. [Short paper]. In: Grassland Science in Europe, Vol. 24 – Improving sown grasslands through breeding and management. EGF-EUCARPIA 2019 Joint Symposium, Zürich, Switzerland, June 24-27.
Ribas, A., Mattana, S., Llurba, R., Debouk, H., Sebastià M-T., Domene, X. (2019). Science of the Total Environment, 685: 1075-1086. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.06.277.
Debouk, H., Altimir, N., Sebastià M-T. (2018). Maximizing the information obtained from chamber-based greenhouse gas exchange measurements in remote areas. MethodsX-Elsevier, 5: 973-983. doi: 10.1016/j.mex.2018.07.021.
San Emeterio, L., Debouk, H., Marí, T., Canals, R.M., Sebastià M-T. (2016). Plant functional type effects on soil function change along a climatic gradient. [Short paper]. In: Mountain pastures and livestock farming facing uncertainty: environmental, techhnical and socio-economic challenges (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes), 2016: 4 p. 19th Meeting of the FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures Network (2016-06-14-2016-06-16) in Zaragoza – Spain.
Guerra Ferrer, G., Chocarro, C., Debouk, H., Plaixats, J., Lamaze, T., Pornon, A., Sebastià M-T. (2016). Effects of climate warming and nitrogen deposition on species and community plasticity in grasslands in the French Pyrenees. [Short paper]. In: Mountain pastures and livestock farming facing uncertainty: environmental, technical and socio-economic challenges (Cahiers Options Méditerranéennes), 2016: 4 p. 19th Meeting of the FAO-CIHEAM Mountain Pastures Network (2016-06-14-2016-06-16) in Zaragoza – Spain.
Debouk, H., de Bello F, Sebastià M-T. (2015). Functional Trait Changes, Productivity Shifts and Vegetation Stability in Mountain Grasslands during a Short-Term Warming. PLoS ONE, 10(10): e0141899. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141899.
Debouk, H., Riera, R., and Vega-García, C. (2013). Assessing post-fire regeneration in a Mediterranean mixed forest using LiDAR data and artificial neural networks. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 79 (12): 1121-1130. DOI: 10.14358/PERS.79.12.1121.