Address at the University of Lleida:
Universitat de Lleida (UdL)
Escola Tècnica Superior d’Ingenyeria Agraria (ETSEA)
Departament d’Hortofructicultura, Botànica i Jardineria
Laboratory of Functional Ecology and Global Change (ECOFUN)
Avinguda Alcalde Rovira Roure 191
25198 Lleida, Spain
Office: Edifici 2, despatx 2.01.06
Phone: (+34) 973 702 623
Christian Mestre Runge is a PhD student at the Advanced Agronomical Engineering School of the University of Lleida (Spain, Catalonia) since April 2019. Currently studying biodiversity, dynamics and distribution of Pyrenean montane grasslands and their relationship to climate and land use through the integration of field, satellite and eddy covariance data. After completing the degree of Geography in 2016 he has involved with the Geography Department in the IPE-CSIC and Syner-TGE project in Zaragoza while doing the Master in Geographic Information Technologies for Territorial Management: Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing. The research was based on empirical modelling of the Foliar Area Index (LAI) in dehesas ecosystems through the integration of field, airbone and satellite data. Christian Mestre´s research focuses on i) investigation the relationships between the spectral properties and the composition of functional grassland groups and produce a fine scale vegetation map, ii) To reproduce the space-time dynamics of fairy rings through multitemporal image drones, their relationship with global growth patterns, biomass mortality, micro-topographic properties and their dependence on organic matter and soil fertility, iii) Modelling to relate biophysical properties to reflectance at the scale of both drone and satellite imagery and analyse the relationship between biophysical properties derived from Sentienel-2 imagery and the output of an eddy-covariance (EC) station, and finally iv) Satellite-based studies at regional scale to analyse the dynamics of mountain meadows under different environmental conditions.
Selected Publications
Mestre-Runge, C., Pieras-Sagardoy, J i Rosselló-Melis, R. (2017). Análisis diacrónico (1956-2010) de la flecha litoral de El Rompido (Huelva) a través de SIG: Afección antrópica en su evolución morfosedimentaria. Societat d´Història Natural de les Balears, vol. 59. pp. 131-145
Selected Communications
Análisis del servicio de bicicleta pública y diagnóstico de su equidad social. El caso de Palma (Islas Baleares). XVIII Congreso Nacional TIG celebrado a la Fundación Universidad- Empresa (ADEIT) del 20 al 22 de junio de 2018, Valencia