Events >> Trainnig & Workshops

7, 8,9 November 2011: Eddy Covariance Workshop in Toulouse organized by CESBIO. Specific training given to CTFC and UPC for meteorological and eddy covariance data processing, post-processing and interpretation.

17-18-19 October, Pamplona: FLUXPYR internal workshop: "Methods for the study of Carbon and Nitrogen fluxes at the small scale: the soil-plant-atmosphere interface".

Organized by Rosa Maria Canals, Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA)

1 September 2011: meeting between CENMA and CESBIO to discuss the use of satellite images to detect and map Pyrenean snow pads, and to assess the effect of inter-annual snow cover fluctuations on snow pads habitats and communities.  
21-23 April 2010: Eddy Covariance Workshop, Lannemezan organized by CESBIO and LA. Training for the use of meteorological and eddy covariance equipment, data analysis and interpretation, etc.
last updated: May 2012